Welcome to ensavid
Energy Saving Ideas
Our inventions save energy and make you healthier.

Save energy and stay healthy!
Ensavid is an engineering company based in Poland. We develop inventions related to transportation and energy production. We sell licenses to use our inventions and cooperate in their implementation.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Albert Einstein
Ensavid creates products and technologies that can be easily implemented and distributed on a large scale, allowing them to reach a wide customer base and generate significant revenue.

No-tilt sail
Sail that does not make the ship tilt – if it is large enough, it can save any amount of fuel consumed by the ship

Parachute cyclorotor
The parachute cyclorotor is designed to achieve maximum efficiency by reducing viscous friction
We have new ideas every day.
Parachute cyclorotor
We have introduced the concept of parachute cyclorotor. More
A prototype of shape-me-bike has been assmebled.
SH engine prototype design is ready
An SH engine prototype has been designed. We begin its implementation.
Partition compressor and turbine
The partition compressor is designed to minimize energy loss during gas compression. It is efficient over a wide range of operating speeds. Working in the